Don’t wait to join… we start Monday August 16th!


Q + A

Here are some answers to questions you may have. Any additional inquiries can be sent to

I have dietary allergies or restrictions. How will these recipes work for me? Helene's recipes and research based feel-good ingredients are all soy, gluten free and dairy free. There are vegan options also included each week.

I don't like to or know how to cook... Is this still for me? Helene's recipes are all tried, tested, easy to follow and approachable. You can combine cooking 1-2 times a week with opting for pre-made food options that use some of the suggested feel-good ingredients.

What if I'm new to yoga or group fitness? Helene creates a safe, no judgement zone that will empower you regardless of your fitness or yoga experience. Options and offerings are provided throughout classes to accommodate varying needs.

What if I'm pregnant or postpartum? Helene's classes are not prenatal or postpartum classes however some are indicated as including prenatal modifications. Most classes would be appropriate for postpartum once cleared to workout by your medical provider. Please reach out to Helene for more information of which classes to take.

How will this work if I'm traveling or busy and miss a day/week of the Reset? You can swap days within the week or skip a day and come back to it later. I also suggest stacking activities on days you have more time if that works better for your schedule. You will have the ability to download all of the wellness resources so you have access to them forever.