EP 14: Navigating Infant Food Allergies, FPIES, CMPA and Breastfeeding with Free to Feed Founder Dr. Trill

Dr. Trill, the founder of Free to Feed, is the go to resource for infant food reactivity including FPIES, CMPA and food protein allergies while breastfeeding and introducing solids. She breaks down the exact symptoms to look out for if you suspect your baby may be reacting to food proteins including secondary symptoms that are not always talked about such as colic and sleep disturbances. She also explains the science of protein transferability while breastfeeding, which there is a lot of mixed and confusing information about out there.

Dr. Trill explains FPIES, CMPA and the differences between IGE and non-IGE mediated allergies. She also shares why a long term elimination diet is not recommended and which types of allergies are typically grown out of and when. We discuss the mental struggle of going through elimination diets while breastfeeding, as two moms who have been through it, and she gives some specific suggestions for how to manage.

Dr Trill shares her story of experiencing a nightmare situation of trying to figure out why her 3 week old wouldn’t stop crying and was covered in infected eczema with bloody diapers. When she was told that her daughter was reacting to food proteins in her breastmilk, even as a molecular biologist who was a protein expert, she was shocked. When she had her second daughter who also had food protein allergies, she knew she needed a community and founded Free to Feed.

We discuss the root cause of why there is such lack of knowledge, resources and awareness around infant food reactivity, which is the lack of research on women’s and children’s health issues and funding sources. We discuss what it’s like to be a female founder and researcher competing for funding in a mostly male dominated space with male investors.

Whether you are suspicious your baby may be experiencing food reactivity, are in the trenches of your elimination diet or just curious about infant food reactivity, breastfeeding and introducing solids, this episode is for you!

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This podcast is for informational purposes only and is not intended to replace professional medical advice.